Scripts, tutorials, and general Desktop X help
Published on July 8, 2009 By sViz In DesktopX

The purpose of this thread is to compile and post fixes for the recent weather widget problem for anyone who has the patience to implement them. I'll try to edit this post to keep it up-to-date.

 Edit 7/10: Important information for DX authors.

 Edit 7/12: Added clarification to 2a for DX users - ZubaZ

 Edit 7/13 : Removed fixes due to legal ambiguity



1. The Problem

2. The Fixes

e. Disable the Weather

3. For Authors

a. Using The Weather Channel Feeds

b. Using Another Source

c. Weather & DX Themes


1. The Problem

If your weather widget has suddenly stopped working properly, it is likely because the source,, has changed their site to prohibit unlicensed usage. The majority of weather widgets on this site were built with the same code which is now outdated.

Symptoms of this particular problem are:

-You get a message saying the location is invalid
-When you try to clear this message it keeps popping up


2. The Fixes (as far as we know)


*** UPDATE 7/13/09 ***

I have tried to find more information and understand the legalities of the TWC XOAP data feed services and due to ambiguity I have removed these fixes so as not to put anyone else at risk of violating known or unknown license agreements.

A very good read on the situation with and their feeds can be found here:

At the present time the only remaining option for end-users is to disable and/or discontinue using the weather widgets.




If you are using a combo widget or theme and would just like to disable the weather parts read below.

There are a few objects that need to be "turned off". To do this you will open the widget/theme in DX Builder (be sure to turn off internet connection first,) find the object, right-click and uncheck Script Enabled.

These objects may be several of the following. (You can ctrl + click to select more than one object in the object list, then r-click and uncheck Script Enabled.)

Version 1:


Version 2:

"kdockweatherimage" (and/or "kdockweatherimage2")
"Kdockweatherlocation" (and/or "kdockweatherlocation2")
"kdockweathertemp" (and/or "kdockweathertemp2")
"kdockforecastimage1" (through "kdockforecastimage5")

Version 3:




 3. For Authors

A Notice From the WC Staff:

Starting Monday, July 20th, we will start exiling weather widgets from the WinCustomize galleries that have not been updated and/or violate any ToS/ToU in regards to weather feeds.

See here for more details.


Q: Can't I fix and reupload my widgets?

It's fairly certain that our widgets are not in compliance with The Weather Channel's license agreements. Among other things, a widget using TWC's feed now needs to include their logo and 5 advertisement links (to see the full details get registered and download the SDK file included in your confirmation email.)

This is aside from the fact that most of these fixes hard code YOUR license ID and KEY, and you CAN NOT allow others to use these; uploading a fixed widget with your ID and KEY is in violation of the license agreement.

The short answer is no. We can't use these fixes and then reupload our widgets.

Q: What CAN I do?

Right now you need to archive your skins before they are deleted from the galleries.

Q: So that's it? No more weather widgets?

Not necessarily. We have two options:  A. Re-build our widgets in compliance with TWC's license agreement or  B. find another data source.




If you are looking to rebuild your widget in compliance with TWC's agreement you'll need to do the following:

- Register, download and thoroughly read the SDK file included in your confirmation email
- Comply
- Add a function to allow the user to input their license key and partner ID.
- Add a link to the registration page so users know where to get the key and ID.
- Be mindful of the fact that TWC could change their site again and consider putting contingencies in place to prevent further headaches. (i.e., Use and external script that can be copied onto the user's computer, and have as little code in the actual objects.)

 To be clear, anyone looking to make a weather widget using services MUST be in compliance with their terms of service and license agreements.


B. USING ANOTHER SOURCE suggestions by Zubaz

If you decide to part ways with TWC, here are some alternative weather feed sources to consider (You will need to abide by their Terms of Service as well):

-  -- LINK

- Yahoo! -- LINK 

- -- LINK


Again, I strongly advise using an external script to save yourself (and by extension your end-users) from any headaches in future.



If you are a DesktopX theme author, the best advice for now is to exclude the weather widget from your theme and consider uploading weather as a separate widget in future.






That's all for now...

Leave questions, comments, and your experience reports below.

Comments (Page 9)
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on Jul 14, 2009

Seems I need to rest not only from skinning but also from the participate in any "empty" discussions...

See #113 & 114

on Jul 14, 2009

P.S. As this follows from your logic, you should immediately remove the widget SD Skin Checker 2.0 ( from the gallery because it "grabs" and "redistributes" the part of WC service.
Does the WC ToS prevent that?

on Jul 14, 2009

My thanks to Neophil and Redneck Dude (Posts 117 & 119). As stated before, it is up to the end user to make sure they are following the TOS of whatever they use. Be well


on Jul 14, 2009

However I much want to get answer to my simple question: MAY WE USE THE WEATHER DATA PROVIDED BY MICROSOFT OR NOT? AND IF "NOT" - WHY?

.... MSN is the final arbiter in the matter, I'm afraid.

Actually, MSN is NOT the final arbiter in the matter.  The judge that sits over the civil suit when Microsoft's lawyers tell you that you can't use their data as you choose and you go to court, is the one who is the final arbiter in this case.

And that's what I see all this dancing around TOS is about -- not looking at the issue of "what CAN we do" but more of "let's not do what might cause us any risk."

on Jul 14, 2009

Actually, MSN is NOT the final arbiter in the matter.  The judge that sits over the civil suit when Microsoft's lawyers tell you that you can't use their data as you choose and you go to court, is the one who is the final arbiter in this case.

Your point is taken.

And that's what I see all this dancing around TOS is about -- not looking at the issue of "what CAN we do" but more of "let's not do what might cause us any risk."

I am deeply dismayed that you suggest no one is looking at the issue of what can be done--that is what this whole disucussion is for, finding solutions. If someone thinks they have a solution, it is up to them to implement it and others to help as they so choose.  You, Vad, and anyone else CAN do as you wish; we are all are free to proceed as we see fit. I choose not to proceed with any solution I am uncomfortable with and I don't see anything wrong with trying to proceed with caution. I'm not going to vote a resounding yay or nay on every idea that is discussed here, but I will try to give my opinion on them.

Bottomline, everyone is only doing the best we can with this situation. I don't know how many ways I can say this, but when it comes right down to it, each person will have to implement or not implement whatever solution they have as they see fit. There's no group vote; action or inaction comes down to the individual.


on Jul 14, 2009

And that's what I see all this dancing around TOS is about -- not looking at the issue of "what CAN we do" but more of "let's not do what might cause us any risk."
I would rather people not look at this as "what can we do" or "what can we get waya with without threat of legal action" but rather "what is the right thing to do".

What if I had a book. 

Every day I posted one sentence of it in my front garden. (Call it a "feed".)

And you wanted it on a sign on your garden.

But I wanted a dollar for you to copy it.

Or I told you that you had to wear an advert on your back to use it.

But you copied it down anyway when I wasn't looking.

And showed it on your garden.

And didn't tell anyone that I was the source.

And didn't give me the money

And didn't wear the advert.

Wouldn't that be the wrong thing to do?

Is that something you would want done to you?

on Jul 14, 2009

Sticking with the analogy, Zubaz, you are wrong to claim ownership and demand money for the words you place in front of your garden because you didn't write the book.  You, in this instance, would be a greedy opportunist, profiting off of the labor of the author of the book, and we have enough of those running around these days.

The people claiming rights to their weather feeds didn't MAKE the weather.  The universe made the weather, free for all of us to use and interpret as we see fit.  To stamp capitalist, consumerist, Bourgeoisie logos all over something GIVEN to us by the universe is nauseating.  

Screw it.  I'm done with weather widgets.  This entire topic has me sick to my stomach.  When I want to know the weather, I'll just freakin' look out the window, or get up off my fat @ss and walk outside to check.  I'm totally sick to my stomach seeing price tags on everything, which is the mentality that has brought us to the financial mess the world is in today.  Time for a new frame of mind for me and mine:


Live simply, so that others may simply live.....Mahatma Gandhi 

P.S. If all the inventions that we depend on every day were created with the caveat "what is the right thing to do" - we'd still be living in caves, living off of nuts and berries.

on Jul 14, 2009

I'm totally sick to my stomach seeing price tags on everything

I just gotta ask.

Not to make any statement against you, Karen, but just to trying to make a point, your statement is just an example. No offense intended.

That said,If you make Master, will you sell Master skins, or will all your skins be free?

If you make master, and you do sell master skins, and I use your graphics without getting your permission, or even linking to your skin and giving you credit for your work, you gonna be pissed and turn me in to the mods? Or will you just let it pass?

If I use graphics made by anyone here, or at DA, etc. I must give them credit for their work, and link back, just as asked.

I guess the above applies even if they're not master skins.  Ripping is ripping. If we are going to use TWC's feed, we should do the right thing and comply with their terms.

My 2 cents, and we're ok, right Karen? 

on Jul 14, 2009

The people claiming rights to their weather feeds didn't MAKE the weather. The universe made the weather, free for all of us to use and interpret as we see fit.

That is parallel to saying we shouldn't get a water bill, because the universe made the water.

on Jul 14, 2009

Sticking with the analogy, Zubaz, you are wrong to claim ownership and demand money for the words you place in front of your garden because you didn't write the book. You, in this instance, would be a greedy opportunist, profiting off of the labor of the author of the book, and we have enough of those running around these days.
Sorry . . I meant to indicate that I wrote the book . . or collected data into the book.

Still . . I think you made your point.

on Jul 14, 2009


That said,If you make Master, will you sell Master skins, or will all your skins be free?

If you make master, and you do sell master skins, and I use your graphics without getting your permission, or even linking to your skin and giving you credit for your work, you gonna be pissed and turn me in to the mods? Or will you just let it pass?

IF I make master, and I don't plan on that ever happening because....I don't know, I just don't plan on it, but IF I do, NO, I won't sell them, even though I should because I've been riding just a hair above the poverty line for as long as I can remember.  No, I wouldn't get upset if somebody used my graphics without my permission (unless they were making a profit on them), and I have checked the boxes on my uploads to DA that allows creative license with my uploads.

I have lived too long in the heads of the have-nots to NOT make things free if I were in a position to make it that way.  It's just my deeply held philosophy that there aren't enough GIFTS in the world, and every chance I have to change that, I take.

What's really ironic, is that I'm a self-confirmed atheist, and MY attitude is the one that would give the "YES" answer to the Christian question, "What would Jesus do?"

on Jul 14, 2009

SJN, you can either fix them for personal use following the instructions in the original post or discontinue using them. Deleting them forever is up to you.

I will keep them, as I have tons of space. I am however, not a skinner and have no idea what to do to fix these on my own.

I'll ask again.

on Jul 15, 2009

 I don't know how many ways I can say this, but when it comes right down to it, each person will have to implement or not implement whatever solution they have as they see fit. There's no group vote; action or inaction comes down to the individual.


I don't think that's quite right. It's up to the moderator's what is OK or not OK. There are a number of solutions available, and in the end, they decide what is acceptable and what isn't.  They will set the criteria, not the individual. This is all about what you can and can't upload.

I like Vad_M's solution the best because there are no links and no logo. There aren't many fans for the logo-link solution, however viable it may be. What's the sticking point in this? Something insignificant. A slight technical change in the means that it is accessed. Other than that, it fulfills the terms of service. It's amazing to see the pickiness and splitting of hairs occurring now, when you think back about a week or so ago, UNTIL THE FEED WAS CUT OFF, NOBODY CARED. Martin was the only person to express reservations about something that has always been a clear violation of the service. I'm not opposed to caution, but there isn't anything that daring in what he proposes.

on Jul 15, 2009

The accepted solution will be one that complies with TWC's terms. This will be what the mods say.

on Jul 15, 2009

The accepted solution will be one that complies with TWC's terms. This will be what the mods say.

Aahhh! A prediction.

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